Call Charges Around the Globe
Call Rates
modulus has developed its pricing schemes and the below catalog of international call rates following the principles of absolute transparency and empathy towards our customers’ needs.
Check for yourself
Let’s Stay Transparent
Select the country or the phone number you wish to call
to see the call charges from our network.
Call Charge to a specific number
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Write the number with the country code (e.g. For Greece +30)
Call rate
Call Rates per country
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Or write the country of your interest (for non-geographic destinations write: global)
Results for
Call Rate
With 1€ you can talk
Charges are applied per second by rounding up the second decimal digit.
Calls to modulus network numbers are not charged. However, in the case that said numbers had been ported to third networks, this does not apply.
( VoIP Telephony )
Do You Need an International Number?
Reduce your telephony cost, enjoy the lowest call charges and get numbers from any country.